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error-correction coding, Signal processing, Terahertz communications, Wireless Communications
Computer Vision, Data Visualization., machine learning
MIMO detection and decoding, Signal processing, Terahertz communications, Wireless Communications
AI, bioelectronics, Biosensors, medical applications.., ML
AI4Science, Computer Vision, machine learning
6g wireless systems, cloud- and fog-radio access networks, Cooperative networks, cross-layer optimization, machine learning, Optical communications
biomedical electronics, Communication Theory, image processing, satellite communication, Signal processing
PhD Dissertation Defense
mathematics, modeling, Programming language
Houcine Chougrani
Embedded systems., Non-Terrestrial Networks
Hand Gestures Recognition, Indoor localization
Applications, compressed sensing, MIMO radars
KACARE, renewable energy, SABIC, SAFCO, structural design
beamforming, haps, interference management, nr-u, prototyping, tochnologies coexistence
underwater optical communications, Underwater Optical Wireless Communications and Networking, News
electrical engineering, Signal processing
machine learning, quantum computing., Signal processing
impulse noise estimation, ISL Highlighted Publications, News
Front Page
communications, electrical engineering, fuel-resources, News
communication networks, News
IoT, UAV, News
machine learning, Random Matrix Theory, statistical finance, News
IoT, News
KAUST CEMSE ISL CST Course 2024 at Riyadh
GNSS localization, News
Data Sciences, machine learning, Random Matrix Theory, Robust estimation, Sensor array processing, Signal processing
Compressive Sensing, deep learning, machine learning, Pattern Recognition
control systems, Wireless communication
machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless communication
Locomotion analytics based on mobile network data, Sound Source Localization, Transportation mode recognition
AI for healthcare, Computer Vision, deep learning, machine learning, Medical imaging
JSAC, MIMO-radar waveform design, Next generation wireless communications, quantum computing
calculus of variations, fluid dynamics, free boundary problems, Mathematical Biology, mean curvature flow, Microelectromechanical, Partial Differential Equations
award, Spotlight
6G Summit
News Clip, News
Awards, News
Awards, News
artificial intelligence, digital innovation award, smart tap, News
AI, IoT, IoT devices, Signal processing, Smart sensors
agriculture, artificial intelligence, drones, IoT, News
convex optimization, detection and estimation, MIMO, Signal processing
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics
data science, Feedback Reduction in Multiuser and Relay Networks, high dimensional statistics, machine learning, Random Matrix Theory, Selected Applications, statistical signal processing, Supervised Learning Algorithms
Biomedical Signal Processing, Indoor localization, machine learning
Cellular Networks, Hybrid Aerial-Terrestrial Networks, Statistical Modeling, Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes
optimization, Signal processing, wireless network
Heterogeneous networks, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Self-organizing Networks, Signal processing for Wireless Networks, Stochastic Geometry
machine learning, Random Matrix Theory
communications, electrical engineering, underwater sensor platform, News
Applications, Graph Theory, Random Matrix Theory, Randomly Projected Regression
Majed Sofiani
Dynamical Systems, Liquid Crystals, non-linear partial differential equations
Metasurfaces, Wireless power transfer
Computer Vision., IoT, machine learning
artificial intelligence, development, machine learning, nonlinear, Rehabilitation, Signal processing
electrical engineering, marine exploration, Sensor networks, News
Localization, Wireless communication
Measurement, Random Matrix Theory, Wireless Communications, News
spin-orbit torque, Spintronics, Spintronics devices, thin films
5G networks, AI, deep learning, Digital Communications, GSM, MATLAB, Network Design, optical fiber, telecommunication
Cellular Networks, ISL Highlighted Publications, News
Big data analysis, machine learning, Optimal Regularization of Linear System, Random Matrix Theory, Sensor networks, Signal processing
Mohamed Afouene Melki
Acoustic sensing and communications, acoustic signal detection, Digital signal processing, Indoor positioning and navigation, IoT, Movement detection and tracking using RF and acoustic waves., Ultra-wideband communication, wearable electronics, wearables
Adaptive modulation and coding, channel estimation, cognitive radio, Localization, Massive MIMO Systems, Relaying and cooperative networks, space-time coding, Synchronization., ultrasound ranging, Waveform design for advanced multicarrier systems
Bayesian Compressive Sensing, cloud-native for B5G, machine learning, node clustering, Radar imaging, Signal processing, Ultra-wideband communication