error-correction coding, Signal processing, Terahertz communications, Wireless Communications |
Computer Vision, Data Visualization., machine learning |
MIMO detection and decoding, Signal processing, Terahertz communications, Wireless Communications |
AI, bioelectronics, Biosensors, medical applications.., ML |
AI4Science, Computer Vision, machine learning |
6g wireless systems, cloud- and fog-radio access networks, Cooperative networks, cross-layer optimization, machine learning, Optical communications |
biomedical electronics, Communication Theory, image processing, satellite communication, Signal processing |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
mathematics, modeling, Programming language |
Embedded systems., Non-Terrestrial Networks |
Hand Gestures Recognition, Indoor localization |
Applications, compressed sensing, MIMO radars |
KACARE, renewable energy, SABIC, SAFCO, structural design |
beamforming, haps, interference management, nr-u, prototyping, tochnologies coexistence |
underwater optical communications, Underwater Optical Wireless Communications and Networking, News |
electrical engineering, Signal processing |
machine learning, quantum computing., Signal processing |
impulse noise estimation, ISL Highlighted Publications, News |
Seminar |
Front Page |
News |
communications, electrical engineering, fuel-resources, News |
News |
communication networks, News |
IoT, UAV, News |
machine learning, Random Matrix Theory, statistical finance, News |
News |
IoT, News |
News |
GNSS localization, News |
News |
News |
Data Sciences, machine learning, Random Matrix Theory, Robust estimation, Sensor array processing, Signal processing |
Compressive Sensing, deep learning, machine learning, Pattern Recognition |
control systems, Wireless communication |
machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless communication |
Locomotion analytics based on mobile network data, Sound Source Localization, Transportation mode recognition |
AI for healthcare, Computer Vision, deep learning, machine learning, Medical imaging |
JSAC, MIMO-radar waveform design, Next generation wireless communications, quantum computing |
calculus of variations, fluid dynamics, free boundary problems, Mathematical Biology, mean curvature flow, Microelectromechanical, Partial Differential Equations |
award, Spotlight |
News Clip, News |
Awards, News |
Awards, News |
artificial intelligence, digital innovation award, smart tap, News |
News |
AI, IoT, IoT devices, Signal processing, Smart sensors |
agriculture, artificial intelligence, drones, IoT, News |
News |
News |
convex optimization, detection and estimation, MIMO, Signal processing |
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics |
data science, Feedback Reduction in Multiuser and Relay Networks, high dimensional statistics, machine learning, Random Matrix Theory, Selected Applications, statistical signal processing, Supervised Learning Algorithms |
Biomedical Signal Processing, Indoor localization, machine learning |
Cellular Networks, Hybrid Aerial-Terrestrial Networks, Statistical Modeling, Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes |
optimization, Signal processing, wireless network |
Heterogeneous networks, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Self-organizing Networks, Signal processing for Wireless Networks, Stochastic Geometry |
machine learning, Random Matrix Theory |
News |
development |
communications, electrical engineering, underwater sensor platform, News |
Applications, Graph Theory, Random Matrix Theory, Randomly Projected Regression |
Dynamical Systems, Liquid Crystals, non-linear partial differential equations |
Metasurfaces, Wireless power transfer |
Computer Vision., IoT, machine learning |
artificial intelligence, development, machine learning, nonlinear, Rehabilitation, Signal processing |
electrical engineering, marine exploration, Sensor networks, News |
Localization, Wireless communication |
Measurement, Random Matrix Theory, Wireless Communications, News |
spin-orbit torque, Spintronics, Spintronics devices, thin films |
5G networks, AI, deep learning, Digital Communications, GSM, MATLAB, Network Design, optical fiber, telecommunication |
Cellular Networks, ISL Highlighted Publications, News |
Big data analysis, machine learning, Optimal Regularization of Linear System, Random Matrix Theory, Sensor networks, Signal processing |
Acoustic sensing and communications, acoustic signal detection, Digital signal processing, Indoor positioning and navigation, IoT, Movement detection and tracking using RF and acoustic waves., Ultra-wideband communication, wearable electronics, wearables |
Adaptive modulation and coding, channel estimation, cognitive radio, Localization, Massive MIMO Systems, Relaying and cooperative networks, space-time coding, Synchronization., ultrasound ranging, Waveform design for advanced multicarrier systems |
Bayesian Compressive Sensing, cloud-native for B5G, machine learning, node clustering, Radar imaging, Signal processing, Ultra-wideband communication |