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Locomotion analytics based on mobile network data, Sound Source Localization, Transportation mode recognition
AI for healthcare, Computer Vision, deep learning, machine learning, Medical imaging
JSAC, MIMO-radar waveform design, Next generation wireless communications, quantum computing
calculus of variations, fluid dynamics, free boundary problems, Mathematical Biology, mean curvature flow, Microelectromechanical, Partial Differential Equations
award, Spotlight
6G Summit
News Clip, News
Awards, News
Awards, News
artificial intelligence, digital innovation award, smart tap, News
AI, IoT, IoT devices, Signal processing, Smart sensors
agriculture, artificial intelligence, drones, IoT, News
convex optimization, detection and estimation, MIMO, Signal processing
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics
data science, Feedback Reduction in Multiuser and Relay Networks, high dimensional statistics, machine learning, Random Matrix Theory, Selected Applications, statistical signal processing, Supervised Learning Algorithms
Biomedical Signal Processing, Indoor localization, machine learning
Cellular Networks, Hybrid Aerial-Terrestrial Networks, Statistical Modeling, Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes
optimization, Signal processing, wireless network