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Biomedical Signal Processing, Indoor localization, machine learning
Cellular Networks, Hybrid Aerial-Terrestrial Networks, Statistical Modeling, Stochastic Geometry and Point Processes
optimization, Signal processing, wireless network
Heterogeneous networks, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Self-organizing Networks, Signal processing for Wireless Networks, Stochastic Geometry
machine learning, Random Matrix Theory
Applications, Graph Theory, Random Matrix Theory, Randomly Projected Regression
Majed Sofiani
Dynamical Systems, Liquid Crystals, non-linear partial differential equations
Metasurfaces, Wireless power transfer
Computer Vision., IoT, machine learning
artificial intelligence, development, machine learning, nonlinear, Rehabilitation, Signal processing
Localization, Wireless communication
spin-orbit torque, Spintronics, Spintronics devices, thin films
5G networks, AI, deep learning, Digital Communications, GSM, MATLAB, Network Design, optical fiber, telecommunication
Big data analysis, machine learning, Optimal Regularization of Linear System, Random Matrix Theory, Sensor networks, Signal processing
Mohamed Afouene Melki
Acoustic sensing and communications, acoustic signal detection, Digital signal processing, Indoor positioning and navigation, IoT, Movement detection and tracking using RF and acoustic waves., Ultra-wideband communication, wearable electronics, wearables
Adaptive modulation and coding, channel estimation, cognitive radio, Localization, Massive MIMO Systems, Relaying and cooperative networks, space-time coding, Synchronization., ultrasound ranging, Waveform design for advanced multicarrier systems
Bayesian Compressive Sensing, cloud-native for B5G, machine learning, node clustering, Radar imaging, Signal processing, Ultra-wideband communication
AI, BLE communication, Neural Networks, Python
machine learning, Signal and Image Processing, wireless communications.
artificial intelligence, embedded systems, Frequency selective surfaces, IoT
cloud computing, IoT, statistical signal processing, Wireless Communications, wireless sensor networks
analog electronics, image processing, machine learning
communication networks, Intelligent Transportation Systems, millimeter-wave communications, Performance analysis, wireless networks
communication, Hand Gestures Recognition, indoor localization systems, machine learning, signal design, Ultrasonic-based Localization, underwater acoustic localization
medical electronics., Signal processing
Applications, electronic system, Signal processing for Wireless Networks
Mostafa Emara
machine learning, Research Design of Caching Systems using Stochastic Geometry, Statistical Modeling, Stochastic Geometry, wireless networks
Discriminant analysis., OFDM System, Random Matrix Theory, Signal Applications, Statistical and array signal processing
Compressive Sensing, Distribution Agnostic Bayesian Estimation of Sparse Signals, machine learning, Massive MIMO, Physical layer security
Muhammad Dzaky Ivansyah
machine learning, neural network
AI for healthcare, communication networks, molecular communication, security and reliability analysis of next generation communication networks, Terahertz communications
Computational biology, population genetics, Signal processing
communication systems, Localization, technology advancements.
Sensor networks, Signal and Image Processing, Wireless communication
Microgrids, Power electronics, Renewable integrations, Renewable-based power systems
artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Generative AI and LLMs
heterogenous vertical networks, Localization, multi-dimensional signal processing, non-conventional communication networks, Underwater Optical Wireless Communications and Networking, Wireless Communications
data analysis, MATLAB, Programming language, Web Technologies
energy harvesting, IoT, Stochastic Geometry, Terahertz communications
AI, communication systems, IoT
5G/6G, IoT, networks and wireless communications, statistical signal processing, Stochastic Geometry, Unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs enabled wireless networks, wireless sensor networks
cloud computing, Communication Theory, Distributed algorithms, Image coding, Optimization theory and applications
applied mathematics, computational methods, MATLAB, Signal processing
Digital signal processing in communications, Estimation Theory, Next generation wireless communications
Cellular Communication, Cooperative networks, Handover management in wireless networks, Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Performance evaluation of 5G cellular networks, Stochastic Geometry, Stochastic Geometry modeling of wireless networks
IoT, machine learning, software development
bioelectronics, body area networks
Java implementation, MATLAB, Python
next-generation communication systems, optical communication, optimization in sensor networks, Wireless communication theory
communication, Embedded systems., Indoor localization, machine learning, Signal processing
Signal Applications, Signal processing, Wireless communication
machine learning, Sound Source Localization, Stochastic Geometry, wireless networks
Indoor localization, ultrasound ranging, wireless monitoring
machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless Communications
cognitive radio networks., Indoor localization, network coding, Vehicular networks and intelligent transportation systems, wireless networks
image processing, machine learning, Signal processing
Compressed Sensing Approach, Multi-carrier Systems
Shunyuan Shang
algorithm, Cryptography, Error Control Code
deep learning, seismic processing
communication, Digital signal processing, Mathematical Analysis
artificial intelligence, communications, robotics, wireless networks
Syed Abidullah Fareed
artificial intelligence, computer networks, embedded systems, energy efficiency, intrusion detection, IoT, machine learning
Computational Immunology, Signal processing for wireless communications
Bio-Medical Signal Processing, channel estimation, Computational Immunology, Computational Neuroscience, Deconvolution in UWB, statistical signal processing
Semi-blind seismic deconvolution using orthogonal clustering
connectivity, MIMO radars, social networks., wireless networks, wireless sensor networks
communications, Localization, statistical signal processing, tracking, wireless networks
Acoustic sensing and communications, acoustic signal detection, Digital signal processing, Experimentation and testing., image processing, low complexity systems, Low sampling, Movement detection and tracking using RF and acoustic waves., Respiration detection and tracking., Robust estimation and regularization, Sonars and radars., Ultra-wideband communication, UWB channel impulse response estimation.
Deep learning, MIMO radars, Next generation wireless communications, Signal processing
Effective Capacity Analysis, intelligent reflecting surfaces, Physical layer security, Stochastic Geometry, Terahertz signals, Underwater Acoustic Communication, Wireless communication
Analog-to-digital converters, phase retrieval, Sparse Sampling
algorithms, Analysis of Supervised Learning Algorithms, Random Matrix Theory, Regularized Discriminant Analysis
attitude determination, GNSS localization
Computer simulations, Convex programming, Massive MIMO, TDOA Localization
dynamic structures, learning method over complex, Low-complexity and energy-efficient VLSI signal processing system design, Wireless Communication and Signal Processing
game theory, Physical layer security, Signal processing, Wireless communication
artificial intelligence, Generative AI and LLMs