intelligent reflecting surfaces Wireless communication Terahertz signals Physical layer security Underwater Acoustic Communication Effective Capacity Analysis Stochastic Geometry
machine learning wireless networks Stochastic Geometry Sound Source Localization
Cellular Communication Stochastic Geometry Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Cooperative networks Handover management in wireless networks Stochastic Geometry modeling of wireless networks Performance evaluation of 5G cellular networks
statistical signal processing wireless sensor networks networks and wireless communications Unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs enabled wireless networks Stochastic Geometry IoT 5G/6G
Stochastic Geometry energy harvesting Terahertz communications IoT
Research Design of Caching Systems using Stochastic Geometry Statistical Modeling wireless networks Stochastic Geometry machine learning
Stochastic Geometry Heterogeneous networks Self-organizing Networks Intelligent Transportation Systems Signal processing for Wireless Networks
Energy-efficient wireless multihop networks Cross-layer protocol design Stochastic Geometry Performance analysis