Visiting Faculty, Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering, KAUST, KSA. On Sabbatical Leave from SUP’COM, Tunisia.


Education Profile

  • Higher School Preparatory Classes (classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles) at Lycée Louis-le-Grand (LLG), Paris, France, 1984-1986 (post-secondary-level curriculum in the sciences, business and humanities).
  • Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 1986-1988 (General Engineering Diplôma).
  • Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France, 1988-1990 (Engineering Diploma in Telecommunications).


Research Interests

  • Waveform design for advanced multicarrier systems,
  • ARQ,
  • Channel estimation,
  • Synchronization,
  • Adaptive modulation and coding,
  • MIMO systems, massive MIMO and space-time coding,
  • Relaying and cooperative networks,
  • Cognitive radio,
  • Localization and ultrasound ranging.


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Telecommunications, Télécom Paris, France, 1995


I am very happy and proud to be able to work with a very dynamic and energizing team on research topics at the cutting edge of technology and to benefit from a very favorable, exciting and very inspiring environment on all levels.

Selected Publications

  • Sellami, N. ., & Siala, M. . (2022). Semi-blind channel estimation based on modified CMA and unitary scrambling for massive MIMO systems. Springer Link.
  • AlSharif, ohammed H., Saad, M. ., Siala, M. ., Ballal, T. ., Boujemaa, H. ., & Al-Naffouri, T. Y. (2017). Zadoff-Chu coded ultrasonic signal for accurate range estimation. 2017 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). Presented at the. Kos, Greece: IEEE.
  • Ejaz, W. ., Hattab, G. ., Cherif, N. ., Ibnkahla, M. ., Abdelkefi, F. ., & Siala, M. . (2016). Cooperative Spectrum Sensing With Heterogeneous Devices: Hard Combining Versus Soft Combining. IEEE Systems Journal ( Volume: 12, Issue: 1, March 2018).
  • Nasraoui, L. ., Atallah, L. N., & Siala, M. . (2012). An efficient reduced-complexity two-stage differential sliding correlation approach for OFDM synchronization in the multipath channel. 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). Presented at the. Paris, France: IEEE.
  • Jaafar, I. ., Boujemaa, H. ., & Siala, M. . (2009). Angle and time of arrival statistics for hollow-disc and elliptical scattering models. 2008 2nd International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems. Presented at the. Nabeul, Tunisia: IEEE.