Saudi Summer Internship (SSI) Poster Competition Winners
Rawan Al Ghamdi, Abdulwahab Felemban and Abdullah Zayat were interns this summer as part of the Saudi Summer Internship (SSI) Program. This is a program involving undergraduates from various universities in the Kingdom and this year hosted 43 students. Abdulwahab and Abdullah worked on enhancing ultrasonic indoor localization and in particular using machine learning to classify arriving signals between line-of-sight and multi-path. Abdulwahab and Abdullah won the second place in the poster competition that took place at the end of the SSI program.
Rawan Al-Ghamdi was an intern this summer as part of the Saudi Summer Internship (SSI) program . This is a program involving undergraduates from various universities in the Kingdom and this year hosted 43 students. Rawan worked on the tradeoff on underwater multi-hop optical communications and in particular the tradeoff between performance (bit error rate) and delay. Rawan won the first place in the poster competition that took place at the end of the SSI program.
Abdulwahab Felemban commented on his contribution saying "Being part of the Saudi Summer Internship (SSI) program at KAUST was a chance to meet and learn a lot from great minds. I enjoyed every moment and I was motivated every single day to do my best in the project I was assigned to. Under the supervision of Professor Tareq AlNaffouri, we worked on enhancing ultrasonic indoor localization by focusing on a challenging root of error -the rejection of non-line-of-sight - using machine learning. By what we learned during the undergraduate studies, and by the valuable feedback, guidance, support, and help from Professor Tareq Al-Naffouri and his group we succeeded in winning the second place in the SSI poster competition 2019".